Become a Callouts Premium Member
and Access All Files!

If you’re joining Callouts for the first time, try our low-commitment monthly membership plan.

If you are serious about your projects and video creations. Our best value plan will save you $345 a year. $99 total per year.
Group: Save up to 50% with a group membership. Click here to find out more.
Callouts Membership Benefits. . .
Unlimited Downloads, Thousand+ files…
Thousand+ professionally produced files to use in your video production and other work. ALL are available for immediate download.
Royalty Free
Files are Royalty-Free which means that you can use them for both your professional and personal projects with confidence that your work is legally protected. See our End-User License page for more information.
Professionally Designed
We take the utmost care that the files available for our premium members are of the highest quality available.
Highly Organized
Find the files you need when you need them. A lot of effort has gone into organizing the files on Callouts to optimize your workflow.
Files for all areas
On Callouts you find Camtasia templates, Music, Sound Effects, HD Video Backgrounds, Graphics, and much, much more for all your video production, PowerPoint, graphics work, and other areas.
New content added monthly
New high-grade content is added monthly for the lifetime of your membership.
I just logged on to for the first time and am amazed at the selection of great looking
animations, audio, and graphic elements. The media is well organized and easy to find. I plan to use these to spice up my Camtasia Studio videos for professional use and for FUN. My son will especially love the music and sports themes. Job well done!
Wendy Edelman, TechSmith Corp.
Membership FAQ
When are memberships billed?
Monthly memberships are automatically billed every month. Yearly memberships are billed once on sign-up and once every year thereafter. You can stop your membership at any time and will not be billed again.
Do you offer customer support?
Our support department will assist you with questions and concerns within 48 hours of creating a ticket (though complicated issues may take a little longer).
When is new content added?
We are constantly working on new material and it will be added regularly. The Monthly Special section also features amazing new larger collections every month. One to two Camtasia template collections are also added each month.
What payment methods do you accept?
We accept credit card payments via major credit cards and PayPal.
What if I need to cancel my membership?
You can cancel your membership instantly at any time. We offer step-by-step instructions on how to complete the process on our Help & Support page. Don’t worry – it’s easy!